Edir Program
Bilal Edir Program
Edir is an Ethiopian term used for a group of people who pay membership fee monthly until that much is needed during time of death in a member’s family. BCC women Edir is a great relief for many who had experienced death in the family. BCC Edir pays up to $10k to support members during bereavement time. BCC Edir also covers all costs of Tazia up to the maximum limit permitted for Merdo (when some family member dies back home). To become an Edir member, you must first become a BCC member. When death in the family occurs, you will find BCC Edir at your side.
Bilal Community Center is non –profit, no political membership based religious organization.
Bilal Community Center is a registered religious organization incorporated under section 501{[c]}3 of the IRS code. Article of incorporation is filed with the secretary of state of Texas.